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Swype Adds Crowd-Sourced Dictionaries for Better Word Prediction

Posted by admin at Jan 9th, 2013 10:36 under category Android

Android: Swype, one of your favorite Android keyboards, has been pressed to update in the face of heavy competition from other keyboards. This week the Swype team announced that the latest version of Swype no longer requires you sign up and register to download it, and includes a new "living language" feature that rolls in crowd-sourced dictionaries, so words like "hashtag" and "instagram" are already in your dictionary without you having to add them.

The new "living language" feature automatically updates your dictionary periodically with popular words added by other users. Think terms...

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How to Get Through the DMV with Your Sanity Intact

Posted by admin at Jan 9th, 2013 10:36 Uncategorized

Nobody likes going to the DMV, but in certain circumstances it's impossible to avoid. That said, a few tricks make the experience a little more pleasant. Let's take a look at how to get out of the DMV with your sanity still intact.

Make Sure You Actually Have to Go to the DMV


You don't actually have to go to the DMV for much these days. In fact, in a lot of states most recurring tasks can be completed online, including, renewing your ID, renewing license plates, requesting your driving record, change of address, and more.


To figure out what your DMV can do online,...

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iOS 6 By Tutorials Update Now Available

Posted by admin at Dec 25th, 2012 13:28 Uncategorized

This is just a quick note for the iOS 6 By Tutorials and iOS 5 and iOS 6 by Tutorials Bundle customers, to let you know that the latest update to the book (v1.6) is now available!

In this free update, we’ve fixed various errata kindly pointed out by readers in the forums, and also we performed a final technical review of the entire book to make sure everything is 100% solid.

If you purchased iOS 6 by Tutorials or the iOS 5 and iOS 6 by Tutorials bundle, you can find the download link in the iOS 6 by Tutorials PDF private forum. If you don’t have access to the forum, you can sign up...

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